Hogar > Noticias > Black Ops 6 y Warzone: Cómo desbloquear todos los Cleaver Camos

Black Ops 6 y Warzone: Cómo desbloquear todos los Cleaver Camos

By OliviaFeb 24,2025

Esta guía detalla todos los modos de Cleaver Camos en Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, Warzone y Zombies. El Cleaver, introducido durante el evento del juego Squid, ofrece una amplia gama de desbloqueos de camuflaje para jugadores dedicados.

I. Black Ops 6 Cleaver Camos

Black Ops 6 Cleaver Camos

Camo TypeCleaver CamoUnlock Method
Military CamosGranite5 melee kills
Woodland10 melee kills
Savanna15 melee kills
Splinter20 melee kills
Moss30 melee kills
Saboteur40 melee kills
Digital50 melee kills
Tide75 melee kills
Red Tiger100 melee kills
Special CamosCreepy CryptUnlock all Military Camos; 50 melee kills with Strategist Combat Specialty active
Luminous LeopardUnlock all Military Camos; 30 kills without taking damage
Mastery CamosGoldUnlock both Special Camos; 10 Double Kills
DiamondUnlock Gold; Unlock Gold on two other Melee Weapons; 10 Triple Kills without dying
Dark SpineUnlock Diamond; Unlock Diamond on 33 other weapons; 3 Triple Kills
Dark MatterUnlock Dark Spine; Unlock Dark Spine on 33 other weapons; 5 kills without dying

II. Warzone Cleaver Camos

Warzone Cleaver Camos

Camo TypeCleaver CamoUnlock Method
Military CamosQuartz2 melee kills
Tundra5 melee kills
Canyon10 melee kills
Pine15 melee kills
Undergrowth20 melee kills
Snakeskin25 melee kills
Siberia30 melee kills
Smolder40 melee kills
Blue Tiger50 melee kills
Special CamosGhostly GroundsUnlock all Military Camos
Blazing LeopardUnlock all Military Camos; 5 kills with active enemy UAV
Mastery CamosGold TigerUnlock both Special Camos; 3 kills as Most Wanted Contract target
King's RansomUnlock Gold Tiger; Unlock Gold Tiger on 2 other Melee Weapons; 2 kills without dying
CatalystUnlock King's Ransom; Unlock King's Ransom on 33 other weapons; Kill 3 Operators with stun/flash/shock
AbyssUnlock Catalyst; Unlock Catalyst on 33 other weapons; 5 kills without dying

III. Zombies Cleaver Camos

Zombies Cleaver Camos

Camo TypeCleaver CamoUnlock Method
Military CamosSlate100 melee kills
Desert200 melee kills
Evergreen300 melee kills
Rugged400 melee kills
Grim600 melee kills
Stripe800 melee kills
Oceanic1000 melee kills
Whiteout1500 melee kills
Purple Tiger2000 melee kills
Special CamosTragic TombUnlock all Military Camos; Kill 75 armored zombies
Shock LeopardUnlock all Military Camos; 300 kills with Rare or higher rarity Cleaver
Mastery CamosMystic GoldUnlock both Special Camos; 10 rapid melee kills 15 times
OpalUnlock Mystic Gold; Unlock Mystic Gold on two other Melee Weapons; Kill 30 Special Zombies
AfterlifeUnlock Opal; Unlock Opal on 33 other weapons; 20 consecutive kills without dying
NebulaUnlock Afterlife; Unlock Afterlife on 33 other weapons; Kill 10 Elite Zombies

Esta lista completa proporciona un camino claro para desbloquear cada camuflaje de Cleaver en los tres modos de juego. Recuerde que algunos desbloqueos requieren completar otros desafíos de camuflaje primero. ¡Buena suerte!

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