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  • Flexcil Notes & PDF Reader

    101.90M 丨

    Flexcil:一款革新笔记和文档管理的应用 Flexcil 是一款改变我们记笔记和管理文档方式的革命性应用。它可以直接在您的设备上阅读和批注 PDF 文件,无需笨重的教科书和成堆的纸张。无论您是难以应付厚重学习资料的学生,还是被文件淹没的办公室职员,Flexcil 都能满足您的需求。该应用提供各种功能,例如不同的笔记工具、可自定义的字体和封面,甚至还有录音功能,确保您不会错过任何重要信息。告别传统的记笔记方法,体验 Flexcil 更高效、更便捷的工作方式。 Flexcil 的主要功能: ⭐ 多功能性: Flexcil MOD APK 允许用户在一个便捷的应用程序中阅读 PDF 文件、直接在

  • ActionDash: Screen Time Helper

    7.70M 丨 9.9.2

    ActionDash:告别手机过度使用,掌控你的时间! ActionDash是专为那些饱受手机过度使用和应用干扰困扰的用户设计的终极解决方案。这款便捷的应用程序通过监控您的设备使用情况并提供宝贵的见解,帮助您掌控日常活动。使用ActionDash,您可以轻松追踪手机使用情况,设置使用限制,并屏蔽干扰性通知,从而提高您的工作效率,专注于重要任务。告别无意义的刷屏浪费时间,拥抱ActionDash,开启更平衡、更有目标的生活方式!立即下载,充分利用您的时间! ActionDash 特点: 掌控日常活动和使用时间。 最大限度减少其他应用和游戏的干扰。 监控和管理您的手机使用情况。 提升专注力和工作

  • Super N Launcher -Super design

    16.40M 丨 5.0

    SuperN Launcher:300+主题,打造专属个性手机! 还在寻找个性化定制手机的方法吗?SuperN Launcher是您的理想之选!这款应用提供超过300款独特主题,让您彻底改变手机外观和操作体验。从界面和应用图标的更改,到滑动效果和任务栏的自定义,可能性无限。此外,它还配备隐藏应用模式,保护您的隐私应用,兼顾风格和安全。SuperN Launcher拥有用户友好的界面和丰富的设计选项,是提升手机体验的必备应用。 SuperN Launcher 主要功能: 海量设计选项: SuperN Launcher提供丰富的手机界面和任务相关设计,满足您的个性化需求。 300+独特主题:

  • Ritam - ऋतम् Video Players & Editors
    Ritam - ऋतम्

    21.80M 丨 8.1.4

    Ritam-ऋतम्:您的知识探索之旅,触手可及!这款创新应用汇集了阅读、学习和分享的一切。通过文章、博客等多种形式,探索丰富多样的主题,每一次点击都将拓展您的视野。紧跟最新趋势和见解,并轻松与亲朋好友分享您的新知。Ritam-ऋतम्让教育和启迪触手可及。体验全新的内容互动方式,释放个人成长和发展的无限可能。 Ritam-ऋतम् 的特色功能: ⭐ 个性化内容推荐: Ritam-ऋतम्根据您的阅读偏好和兴趣提供个性化推荐。 ⭐ 离线阅读:您可以下载文章并在离线状态下阅读,随时随地轻松获取信息。 ⭐ 书签功能:保存您喜爱的文章,方便日后查找。 ⭐ 社交分享:直接从应用中分享有趣的文章到您的社

  • Armor Inspector - for WoT

    9.50M 丨 3.12.19

    Armor Inspector: Your Key to World of Tanks Domination! For any World of Tanks (WOT) player serious about improving their game, Armor Inspector is an indispensable tool. This app provides in-depth analysis of tank weaknesses, making strategic planning a simple process. Whether you're a novice or a

  • How to get a girlfriend Communication
    How to get a girlfriend

    6.30M 丨 1.2

    Unlocking the Secrets to Finding Your Dream Girl: A Guide to Dating Success Tired of searching for "the one"? How to Get a Girlfriend offers expert advice and practical guidance to navigate the complexities of dating and relationships. Whether you're shy or simply unsure where to begin, this app pr

  • Prinker Personalization

    106.60M 丨 5.16.12

    Elevate your body art with Prinker! This innovative platform lets you design and print custom temporary tattoos directly from your phone. Pre-register at prinker.net for access to a vast library of designs or create your own. Compatible with Android SDK 26 and above, the Prinker app is the ultimate

  • PassApp - Transport & Delivery

    19.00M 丨 3.1.38

    PassApp:柬埔寨便捷出行首选 PassApp是您在柬埔寨所有交通需求的一站式应用。无论您需要快速前往机场,准时上班的可靠出租车,还是深夜安全的回家旅程,PassApp都能满足您的需求。通过我们用户友好的应用程序,您可以轻松预订价格实惠的交通工具,并由专业的当地司机提供服务,包括出租车、嘟嘟车和人力车等多种服务。PassApp在金边、暹粒和巴塔邦等主要城市运营,是柬埔寨领先的出租车服务,确保您安全准时到达目的地。立即尝试PassApp,体验便捷的现代交通科技。 PassApp - 交通与递送 的特色: 广泛覆盖:PassApp在柬埔寨主要城市提供出租车服务,包括金边、暹粒、巴塔邦、西哈努

  • Weight Loss & Healthy Coach

    103.80M 丨 1.25.15

    Weight Loss & Healthy Coach: Your Personalized Wellness Journey Weight Loss & Healthy Coach is a top-rated app designed to help you achieve your health and wellness goals. This comprehensive app provides a personalized experience, guiding you every step of the way with customized plans and expert s

  • Mapas de España Lifestyle
    Mapas de España

    23.60M 丨 4.0.0

    Experience seamless outdoor adventures with Mapas de España, a comprehensive and intuitive app designed for hikers, cyclists, runners, and skiers. This free application provides access to detailed maps from the National Geographic Institute and other Spanish government sources. Plan your excursions

  • FlashLight HD LED Pro

    12.20M 丨 2.10.17

    FlashLight HD LED Pro: Your Ultimate On-Screen Flashlight FlashLight HD LED Pro offers instant and convenient access to your phone's flashlight. No more hunting through menus – a virtual button on your screen provides effortless activation anytime, anywhere. Perfect for camping, navigating dark ar

  • Moonly: Moon Phases & Calendar

    402.33M 丨 1.0.186

    Moonly App: Your Lunar Rhythm Guide to Self-Discovery and Healing Moonly is your comprehensive guide to aligning your life with lunar rhythms and ancient wisdom. This innovative app blends the power of ancient runes, insightful tarot readings, transformative rituals, celestial astrology, Zen meditat

  • Dumpster: Photo/Video Recovery

    17.90M 丨 3.24.417.36

    Introducing Dumpster: The innovative phone trash can revolutionizing file management. Never again panic over accidentally deleting precious photos or vital documents. Dumpster effortlessly restores deleted files with just a few taps. This handy app recovers not only photos and videos, but also a wi

  • Moodpress Lifestyle

    51.90M 丨 3.2.2

    Moodpress:一款提升心情的便捷日记应用,让记录生活轻松又愉快!Moodpress 帮助您记录情绪、释放压力,并通过记录日常事件的方式提升写作技巧。这款应用替代了传统的纸质日记本,让您随时随地用手机记录生活点滴。Moodpress 提供用户友好的界面和丰富的自定义选项,是表达和整理思绪的理想平台。告别枯燥的笔记,开启充满创意和灵感的写作体验吧! Moodpress 的主要功能: 情绪表达: 记录情绪,养成写日记的习惯,提升写作风格。 便捷性: 手机随时记录,方便保存信息和笔记。 创意灵感: Moodpress 提供多种自定义选项,提升写作体验。 用户友好界面: 简洁易用的界面,

  • nzb360 - Sonarr / Radarr / SAB

    14.30M 丨 19.2.1

    This versatile app simplifies your entertainment and file management. nzb360 efficiently controls applications and files, providing easy access and organization. Stream images, download files, and enjoy seamless data sharing with this powerful tool. Whether watching movies or managing downloads, n
