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Baldur\'s Gate 3: How to Romance Naoise Nallinto

By FinnMar 05,2025

Unlocking a Hidden Romance: Naoise Nallinto in Baldur's Gate 3

This guide details how to find and romance Naoise Nallinto, a lesser-known romance option in Baldur's Gate 3, located within Sharess' Caress. This encounter is easily missed, occurring during a pivotal moment in Act III.

Locating Naoise Nallinto

  1. Reach Act III: Progress through the game until you reach the early stages of Act III and arrive at Wyrm's Crossing.

  2. Visit Sharess' Caress: This brothel is located east of the bridge leading into Baldur's Gate. If you've already passed through Wyrm's Crossing, utilize the South Span of Wyrm's Crossing fast travel point.

  3. Find the Nymph's Grotto: On the second floor, locate a locked door with a green light and ivy. A successful lockpicking check (DC 10 or higher) will open it. Inside is the Nymph's Grotto where Naoise resides.

Image: Nymph's Grotto Entrance

Romancing Naoise Nallinto

  1. Interact with Naoise: You'll find Naoise with Jara, a Flaming Heart soldier. Interrupting their encounter will trigger a confrontation. Choose dialogue options carefully. A suggested response is: "Whoever you think I am, you're mistaken."

  2. Defeat Jara: Jara will transform into a Mindflayer. Defeat her to proceed.

  3. Engage Naoise: Naoise will express interest in Mindflayers. A suggested response is: "Your client is dead. I thought you'd be more upset."

  4. Initiate the Romance: A successful Insight check will reveal Naoise's romantic interest. Avoid judgmental responses. Suggested options include: "What did you have in mind?" followed by "Close your eyes and listen."

Image: Naoise and Jara

  1. The Mental Encounter: The romance unfolds mentally. Naoise will ask you to choose what you will be: Revered, Contented, Powerful, Rich, or to end the encounter. Choosing "Contented" leads to a brief romance scene.

Image: Dialogue Option

Outcome: This encounter is unique; Naoise will not be available for further romance after this event. The "Rapture" boon (a passive +1d6 to most ability checks) is granted upon successful completion. Note: This romance seems to be compatible with other ongoing relationships in the game. Shadowheart will also reward you with the "Carnal Rituals of Sharess" inspiration point.

Image: Nymph's Grotto Interior

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