Pokémon Sleep's latest update introduces a refreshing splash of fun: Suicune, the legendary Water-type Pokémon, is joining the slumber party! Until September 16th, a special Suicune Research event allows you to delve into the sleeping habits of this mystical creature.
How to Befriend Suicune in Pokémon Sleep
The key is collecting Suicune Mane samples. Accumulate enough, and you can exchange them for Suicune Incense and Suicune Biscuits. These items aid your research into Suicune's sleep patterns.
Boost your chances by recruiting fellow Water-type Pokémon. Their assistance will prove invaluable as you explore Greengrass Isle, Cyan Beach, and Lapis Lakeside. Helpful allies include Squirtle, Wartortle, Golduck, Blastoise, Psyduck, Slowpoke, Vaporeon, Totodile, Slowbro, Feraligatr, Wooper, Croconaw, Slowking, Quaxly, Quaxwell, and Quagsire. These Pokémon will appear regardless of your sleep type during the event.
Key Locations
Focus your efforts on Greengrass Isle, Cyan Beach, and Lapis Lakeside. Even the local Snorlax is getting involved, developing a newfound fondness for Oran Berries!
A final bonus: Drowsy Power receives a 1.5x boost on the event's last day. Download Pokémon Sleep from the Google Play Store and join the fun!
New to Pokémon Sleep? No problem! This sleep-tracking game rewards you for your slumber. Enjoy the relaxing gameplay and the chance to discover Suicune's sleeping secrets.