Dive into the enchanting world of Tales of Terrarum, now available on Google Play! This captivating life-simulation game from Electronic Soul combines town management with thrilling 3D adventures. Become the mayor of a burgeoning town and transform it into a thriving metropolis.
Building Your Ideal Town
As a descendant of a noble family, you inherit the responsibility of leading your town to prosperity. Your tasks include upgrading and expanding essential structures like the town hall, farmer's cottage, and bakery. Assign roles to skilled craftsmen to boost the town's economy, managing resources and residents like the woodworking expert, Grant.
Terrarum boasts a realistic day-night cycle and a diverse ecosystem of flora and fauna. Utilize these resources by farming, fishing, and hunting. Plus, adorable pets with unique traits will accompany you on your journey.
Engage with the townsfolk; their stories and interactions provide valuable insights and resources for your town's growth.
Embark on Epic Adventures
Beyond town limits lies a vast world ripe for exploration! Recruit a team of adventurers, each with distinct abilities, to conquer enemies, unearth treasures, and bring back vital resources. Choose quests that match your adventurers' strengths for optimal success.
If you're ready to embrace the challenges of mayorhood, download Tales of Terrarum on Google Play today!
Don't forget to check out the pre-registration details for Starseed: Asnia Trigger!