Hideki Kamiya, renowned game director behind classics like Okami, Devil May Cry, and Bayonetta, has launched Clovers Inc., a new studio, and announced a highly anticipated sequel to Okami after a 20-year tenure at PlatinumGames. This marks the fulfillment of a long-held ambition for Kamiya, who felt the original game's narrative was incomplete.
A New Chapter for a Beloved IP
Kamiya's desire to create an Okami sequel is well-documented, even sparking humorous exchanges with Capcom about the possibility. With Clovers Inc., a joint venture with former PlatinumGames colleague Kento Koyama, this dream is now a reality. The studio's name pays homage to Clover Studio, the developer of the original Okami, reflecting Kamiya's deep connection to his past work.
Clovers Inc., currently employing 25 people across Tokyo and Osaka, prioritizes shared creative vision over sheer size. Many team members are former PlatinumGames employees who followed Kamiya and Koyama, sharing their passion for game development.
Departure from PlatinumGames and a Softer Side
Kamiya's departure from PlatinumGames, where he served as creative leader and vice president, surprised many. While he remained tight-lipped about the specifics, he alluded to disagreements over game development philosophies. His new venture, however, demonstrates a renewed focus on his creative vision.
Interestingly, Kamiya recently showed a more tender side, apologizing to a fan he previously insulted on social media, highlighting a potential shift in his online persona.
The upcoming Okami sequel promises to be a significant project for Kamiya and Clovers Inc., showcasing the culmination of years of passion and a renewed focus on collaborative creativity.