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Is Pokemon GO December Eggs-pedition Access Worth It?

By RileyJan 27,2025

Pokémon GO's Eggs-pedition Access Ticket: A December 2024 Evaluation

Deciding which in-app purchases to make in Pokémon GO can be tricky. This December, the Eggs-pedition Access paid ticket returns for the Dual Destiny season, prompting the question: is it worth the investment?

What's Included in the Eggs-pedition Access Ticket?

Available from December 3rd, 10 AM to December 31st, 8 PM local time, this $5 USD ticket (or local equivalent) offers several benefits:

  • Daily single-use Incubator (from first PokéStop/Gym spin).
  • Triple XP for the first daily catch.
  • Triple XP for the first daily PokéStop/Gym spin.
  • Increased daily gift opening limit to 50.
  • Ability to receive up to 150 gifts daily from PokéStop spins.
  • Increased gift inventory to 40 gifts.
  • A special December Timed Research awarding 15,000 XP and 15,000 Stardust upon completion.

December 2024 Egg Lineup:

The boosted incubator and gift capacity significantly impact egg hatching, particularly the 7km eggs. But are the December Pokémon worth the extra cost?

Here's a breakdown of Pokémon hatching from eggs during the Dual Destiny Season:

Pokémon Egg Distance
Psyduck 2 KM
Swablu 2 KM
Bonsly 2 KM
Shiny Larvesta 2 KM
Litleo 2 KM
Wimpod 2 KM
Clamperl 5 KM
Blitzle 5 KM
Inkay 5 KM
Skarmory 5 KM (Adventure Sync)
Munchlax 5 KM (Adventure Sync)
Riolu 5 KM (Adventure Sync)
Tyrunt 5 KM (Adventure Sync)
Amaura 5 KM (Adventure Sync)
Alolan Meowth 7 KM
Shiny Alolan Grimer 7 KM
Hisuian Voltorb 7 KM
Hisuian Qwilfish 7 KM
Galarian Corsola 7 KM
Basculin (Red/Blue) 7 KM
Galarian Farfetch’d 7 KM (Mateo)
Pancham 7 KM (Mateo)
Druddigon 10 KM
Dreepy 10 KM
Charcadet 10 KM
Espurr 10 KM (Adventure Sync)
Turtonator 10 KM (Adventure Sync)
Jangmo-o 10 KM (Adventure Sync)
Frigibax 10 KM (Adventure Sync)

Psyduck Swablu Bonsly Shiny Larvesta Litleo Wimpod Clamperl Blitzle Inkay Skarmory Munchlax Riolu Tyrunt Amaura Alolan Meowth Shiny Alolan Grimer Hisuian Voltorb Hisuian Qwilfish Galarian Corsola Basculin Galarian Farfetch’d Pancham Druddigon Dreepy Charcadet Espurr Turtonator Jangmo-o Frigibax

A separate "Young & Wise" event (December 10th-14th) adds baby Pokémon to the egg pool:

Pokémon Egg Distance
Togepi 2 KM
Tyrogue 2 KM
Shiny Smoochum 2 KM
Bonsly 2 KM
Happiny 2 KM
Munchlax 2 KM

Togepi Tyrogue Shiny Smoochum Bonsly Happiny Munchlax

Is the Ticket Worth It?

Daily PokéStop spins yield approximately 28 extra incubators, valued at roughly $4.20 USD. This nearly matches the ticket price, excluding other bonuses. If you regularly purchase incubators or desire specific Pokémon from these eggs, the ticket offers good value. The extra gifts and XP are added perks. However, if egg hatching isn't a priority, or if weather conditions limit playtime, the ticket's value diminishes unless you heavily utilize the gifting system.

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