Uncover the mystery of a missing girl in this captivating interactive mystery game! Dive into the enigma surrounding the disappearance of 18-year-old Zoey Leonard in the quaint town of Riverstone, nestled beside the ominous Elmwood Forest. Three weeks have passed since Zoey vanished, and despite the local police's efforts, the case has stalled, officially labeled a runaway.
This interactive mystery is perfect for fans of investigative gameplay. Forge your own path, unravel the town's secrets, and help a detective reclaim his reputation. This is your chance to save a life, expose a sinister crime, and bring Zoey home.
Investigate and Interact: Delve into the case, navigate the story, interact with diverse characters, collect crucial clues, and piece together the truth. Your choices shape the narrative. Can you handle the responsibility of finding Zoey? Make critical decisions that will lead you directly to her.
Access Confidential Information: Gain access to a wealth of digital evidence: images, chats, social media profiles, voicemails, and call logs. Interrogate suspects, forge alliances, and uncover the truth. But be cautious – who can you truly trust? Are those closest to Zoey truly innocent, or are they involved in her disappearance? The town harbors more secrets than the news reports reveal.
Your Role: You are Riverstone's best hope. An anonymous source has entrusted you with this case, a chance to reignite your dormant career.
Game Features:
The Story:
Riverstone, situated on a man-made harbor and surrounded by the mysterious Elmwood Forest, has always held secrets. But the town's tranquility shattered when Zoey vanished without a trace, sparking fear and uncertainty. The case was hastily declared a runaway to conceal a more disturbing truth. Only you can save Riverstone and uncover the agonizing reality.
Embark on this journey to answer crucial questions: Where did Zoey go? What happened to her? Can you trust those closest to her? The answers depend on your actions. Can you outsmart the mastermind behind her disappearance?
Download and play now! Unravel the clues and uncover the truth in this thrilling interactive mystery story game! An Elmwood Trail is and will always remain free. Share it with your friends and experience all the episodes together! An Elmwood Trail is a free, interactive, text-based role-playing game (RPG) where your choices determine the outcome.
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