Effortless Ordering: Browse menus and place pickup or delivery orders with ease. Pre-order to avoid delays and track your meal's status.
Simplified Reservations: Make reservations on the go, ensuring a table awaits you at your favorite restaurant. Receive convenient SMS and calendar notifications.
Instant Communication: Connect directly with the restaurant via live chat for questions or special requests. Benefit from exceptional customer service, anytime, anywhere.
Is my payment information safe? Yes, the app uses secure payment methods and protects your information.
Can I book for large groups or events?絕對地! You can make reservations for parties of any size through the app.
Can I customize my order? Yes, use the live chat feature to communicate any special requests or customizations directly to the restaurant.
Dine by Wix provides a seamless and convenient platform for ordering food, making reservations, and communicating with restaurants. With secure payments, easy reservations, and live chat support, enjoy a stress-free dining experience. Download the app today and simplify your dining, savoring delicious meals with just a few taps.
財務 丨 51.50M
工具 丨 15.30M
攝影 丨 59.09M
時尚生活 丨 4.94M
工具 丨 175.00M
攝影 丨 15.42M
Dec 10,2024
Dec 10,2024
Jan 06,2025
Dec 10,2024
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