首頁 > 新聞 > PokémonGoFidough提取:發現現場研究任務和全球事件


By AlexanderFeb 08,2025

PokémonGoFidough Fetch活動提供了許多現場研究任務和全球挑戰,從而確保了Fidough在完成時遇到的Fidough。 將您的屈服變成dachsbun!

該活動從2025年1月4日(星期六),紐約州淩晨4:45至2025年1月8日(星期三),紐約州上午11:45,持續了四天。 雖然引入了標準的Fidough和Dachsbun,但在此事件中沒有閃亮的版本。


六項獨特的現場研究任務,每項都有不同的獎勵。 這些任務涉及捕捉神奇寶貝,達到特定的投擲精度並完成路線。

Field Research Task Possible Rewards
Catch 5 Pokémon Growlithe (Shiny Available), Electrike (Shiny Available), Lillipup (Shiny Available)
Make 5 Nice Throws Voltorb (Shiny Available), Snubbull (Shiny Available), Poochyena (Shiny Available)
Make 3 Great Throws Hisuian Growlithe (Shiny Available), Electrike (Shiny Available), Fidough
Make 2 Excellent Throws Rockruff (Shiny Available), Fidough, Greavard
Spin 5 PokéStops or Gyms Poké Ball ×5, Great Ball ×3, Stardust ×500
Follow a Route Fidough



Global Challenge Level Goal Rewards Wild Spawn Additions
1 50,000,000,000 Nice Throws 2× XP for catching Pokémon
2 75,000,000,000 Nice Throws 2× Stardust for catching Pokémon, additional Field Research task unlocked Fidough
3 100,000,000,000 Nice Throws 2.5× XP for catching Pokémon, additional Field Research task unlocked Hisuian Growlithe (Shiny Available), Greavard
4 125,000,000 Nice Throws 2.5× Stardust for catching Pokémon
5 150,000,000 Nice Throws 3× XP and 3× Stardust for catching Pokémon
6 175,000,000 Nice Throws 4× XP and 4× Stardust for catching Pokémon
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