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王国的所有谜语答案Come coman varreance 2(里德勒大麦)

By CamilaMar 01,2025

王国的所有谜语答案Come coman varreance 2(里德勒大麦)

遇到吸引人的NPC是 王国来的标志:Deliverance 2 的广阔世界。与他们互动通常会产生奖励。本指南为Riddler大麦的谜语提供了所有答案。



  • 所有Riddler大麦答案
  • 定位Riddler大麦


Riddler Barley是一家徘徊的NPC,在整个王国来介绍谜语:拯救2 *。正确的答案奖励您凭借Groschen或技能经验。这是解决方案:

What belongs to you alone, but is used more often by others?Your name.
A foolish farmer, lacking family and stable hands, spoke to his animals. He shared any earnings according to this rule: each hen received five groschen, each bee fifteen, and the spider twenty. How much did the cat receive?10 groschen.
Jaromir, a coachman from Raborsch, traveled to Kuttenberg. Three lads boarded in Bohunowitz. In Bojischt, one lad left, replaced by a washerwoman. The washerwoman left in Horschan, replaced by a pedlar and his daughter. In Pschitoky, the lads and the pedlar's daughter left, replaced by two fishermen. They reached Kuttenberg, and went to the bathhouse. What was the coachman's name?Jaromir.
A bailiff had twelve men. Six wore body armor, four wore helmets, and three wore both. How many men had neither?Five.





这是 王国的谜语大麦谜语指南:拯救2 。请咨询逃离师以获取更多游戏技巧,包括浪漫措施。

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