Beloved Bethesda voice actor Wes Johnson, known for his work in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Fallout 3, Starfield, and countless other titles, was found critically ill in his hotel room last week. His family is now appealing to fans for support.
As reported by PC Gamer, Johnson's wife Kim and family have launched a GoFundMe campaign to cover mounting medical expenses and living costs while he's unable to work. The campaign states that Johnson remains in intensive care, fighting for his life.
The situation unfolded after Johnson volunteered to host a benefit event for the National Alzheimer’s Foundation in Atlanta on January 22nd. After arriving and checking into his hotel, he failed to appear at the event, prompting his wife to contact him. Hotel security eventually discovered him unconscious and barely alive.
His extensive video game credits are largely with Bethesda, most recently voicing Ron Hope in Starfield. Other notable roles include Prince of Madness Sheogorath and Lucien Lachance in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion; three Daedric Princes (Boethiah, Malacath, and Molag Bal) in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind; Fawkes and Maister Burke in Fallout 3; Hermaeus Mora and Emperor Titus Mede II in Skyrim; and Moe Cronin in Fallout 4, among many others.