首頁 > 新聞 > 自由大戰重新製作:每種武器類型都解釋了


By IsaacFeb 25,2025







Weapon TypeTraits
Light MeleeQuick attacks ideal for rapid combat against single targets. Can sever Abductor limbs without a Flare Knife.
Heavy MeleeWide-sweeping attacks delivering substantial damage. Well-placed attacks can hit multiple Abductor limbs for amplified damage. Charged attacks launch the player into the air. Slightly reduces movement speed.
PolearmAttacks involve charging through enemies, providing mobility and evasion. Charged attacks launch the polearm for high damage from a safe distance.
Assault WeaponsHigh ammo capacity, making them a primary weapon choice for gun-focused builds. Can be fired while grappled with your Thorne, enabling strategic positioning and long-range attacks.
Portable ArtilleryHigh single-shot damage with limited ammo. Explosive area-of-effect shots can hit multiple limbs for increased damage. Reduces movement speed.
AutocannonsHigh rate of fire with substantial ammo capacity and magazine size. Individual shots have lower damage, but the rapid firing compensates significantly. Reduces movement speed.


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